Dates to Remember

Dates Event
January 1 Date of Assessment. This is the date which determines property value, ownership, exemptions and classifications.
February 1 Automatic renewal exemption cards and classification notices are mailed. Tangible personal property returns mailed to business owners.
March 1 Filing Deadline for portability, exemptions, classifications and assessment reductions.
April 1 Filing deadline for Tangible Personal Property (TPP) tax return without penalty.
July 1 Property Appraiser must complete the assessment of all property and submit roll to the Department of Revenue for approval, and must certify the total taxable value to each taxing authority.
July 1 Property Appraiser must notify property owners of intent to deny timely filed applications for exemptions, classifications and portability.
Mid-August Proposed property tax TRIM (Truth in Millage) Notices are mailed to all property owners. Owners have 25 days from the mailing of the TRIM Notice to file a petition with the Value Adjustment Board.
September Value Adjustment Board petition filing deadline.
October Assessment rolls are certified for collection.
November Current tax bills are mailed by the Citrus County Tax Collector.

Holidays for 2024

Holiday Day Observed Day of week
New Year’s Day January 1 Wednesday
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day January 20 Monday
Good Friday April 18 Friday
Memorial Day May 26 Monday
Independence Day July 4 Friday
Labor Day September 1 Monday
Veterans Day November 11 Tuesday
Thanksgiving Day November 27 Thursday
Day After Thanksgiving November 28 Friday
Christmas Day December 25 Thursday
Christmas Holiday December 26 Friday